At each stop of our 2023 Trans-Canada Tour, we set up an area for visitors who wished to share memories of COVID in residential care or thoughts about the future of eldercare. We had a computer, an audio recorder, a couple of vintage typewriters, and a stack of arts supplies to support self-expression in multiple media. Staff and volunteers collected a total of 182 pieces, all of which are presented in this section of the CIHO website and made fully accessible.

On these pages you can follow the 2023 CIHO Exhibit as it moved across the country and review the rich contributions from school children, seniors, eldercare workers, and the families and friends of elders.
CIHO’s Story Space is based on the belief that these people hold important memories, valuable knowledge, and keen insights into this difficult time in Canadian history. These experiences and thoughts need to be saved and made public. And the rest of Canada must stop and pay attention.
The CIHO stories will become part of the historical record of Canada in the time of COVID-19. They will be a resource for future researchers in health studies, history, gerontology, and disability and justice studies. Perhaps your grandchild might read them.
The entire CIHO Project Collection has been deposited in Montreal’s Archives Passe Mémoire.